Yes, our chickens are eating the cherry blossoms that have fallen off our ornamental tree. I know that cherry leaves contain cyanide (did you), but hopefully the blossoms aren't tainted. If they are, I have my next blog post!!!
Speaking of a post....
I actually thought it had been eleven months since my last post; at only ten, I'm encouraged!
Well, about that truck......
The transmission was fixed, and Andy has been driving it. I got a 'neused' truck via Craigslist because the Escape was having other issues. As of last weekend, it looks like the engine is losing compression (whatever that means ~ there is a bunch of oil all over the inside under the hood). We'll keep driving it; there's always the other truck for a backup.
So many things change in ten months!
Bobo and Coco joined our family, two wethered goats. They were supposed to be pasture-mates for a dairy goat, Lilly, who joined us in February.
Unfortunately, Coco couldn't be kind to his new friend and had to find a new home. So he left with a nice family from Goodview.
Lord willing, Lilly will kid in mid-June, and we're looking forward to goat milk and late-spring kids!
The girls are plugging away at co-op, school and church. Speaking of church, we've joined a church just up the road As far as our garden Burnt Chimney ~ and are glad to be active there. We're also involved in a Bible study with some other homeschooling families, strengthening relationships and encouraging one another in our parenting journey. So thankful for the relationships there.
Lesseee, Andy survived a bout with MRSA after a scratch from a branch when he was cleaning out the woods behind our house. While it was scary for a couple days, once the antibiotics began to work, he's well on his way to recovery. We're so glad it didn't have more serious, long-lasting effects.
I had considered not blogging anymore. Time is scarce around here, what with schooling, keeping up with the house and animals and doing whatever it is we do. But I enjoy reading others' blogs and keeping a sort of record of what is going on in our lives. So, I'm going to try and start back again.
One problem was that our desktop computer is in the basement, away from our day to day activities. I've been using the laptop which allows me more freedom to move around.
Another problem has more to do with privacy concerns. I'm still not sure where I stand on that. When I log on to the Internet, do a Google search and pull up my name, my kids' names, my parents' names, where I've lived, my political views, etc., etc. on just the first couple pages of my search, I wonder if blogging is such a good idea. Notsomuch for "bad guys," but for the government and REALLY bad guys. And as I grow older and my kids grow older, I find myself having really radical ideas insofar as the mainstream is concerned. Nothing wacko or crazy, but just momma-bear conservative. I dunno. I'll have to think about that a bit as I decide what to write.
Anyways, look for more garden posts and chicken posts and goat posts and family posts. November marked our first full year in this home and I'm starting to get the hang of seasons and cycles here. Its going to be a great year!